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The Purpose of the Scholarship

STEM and Engineering programs are the backbone of innovation in this country. TrueInsight wants to enable students who are looking to advance their engineering knowledge and careers. We also want to help students start to look forward to their career and map necessary skills for excellence.

It is strongly encouraged that students refrain from using AI tools to help write their essay.


  • Submissions are received by June 30, 2024.
  • Scholarship is to be used for a STEM or Engineering related degree
  • Open to High School Seniors or existing college/university students
  • Student must be attending a US based university or institution

How to Participate

To qualify for the $2,500 award, applicants must submit a 750-1000 word essay on the following topic:

Why is Engineering Simulation a critical stage of the product development cycle? Give an example of how a CAE specific tool (i.e. CFD, FEA, EM, etc.) can solve and optimize a design that was previously very labor intensive.


Submissions will be evaluated on:

  • How well researched their suggestions were
  • How thoroughly they can explain their "Why"
  • Relevance to topic

Please submit essay to scholarship@trueinsight.io

Top submissions will also be featured on the TrueInsight Blog.