Altair Inspire™ Structures

Design and Lightweight Innovative Models


Whats New in Altair Inspire 2024

Altair Inspire is a user-friendly design software that allows users to create innovative and optimized products. It integrates powerful simulation tools with an intuitive interface, enabling users to perform topology optimization, implicit modeling,  structural analysis, and motion analysis early in the design process. 


Generate Optimal Concepts

Generative design for unique and innovative solutions. Easy load extraction allows for simple workflow. Environment for hybrid modeling and fast rendering.


Maximize Design for Manufacturability

Check feasibility of manufacturing for both manufacturing processes like Additive Manufacturing, Metal Casting, Sheet Metal Forming, Foam Expansion and Extrusion.


Lattice Structures

Generate optimized lattice and mixed solid–lattice structures with implicit modeling. Quickly visualize simulation results and export lattice designs in an .stl file format for 3D printing or any CAD format.


PolyNURBS Fit Tool

Easily transform generative design model to smooth geometry to study fit and function.

Dynamic Motion

Easily identify contacts, joints, springs, and dampers and understand the effect of dynamic motion. 


Altair offers the ability to run fluid mechanics testing inside its easy-to-use interface.

Key Capabilities

  • Create and geometry, defeature solid models and create smooth organic geometric using multiple design methodologies including parametric and implicit modeling.
  • Generate dynamic motion of complex systems with automatic detection of contacts, joints, springs and dampers.
  • Best-in-Class OptiStruct Topology Optimization solver
  • Linear static analysis to visualize yield, tension, displacement and stress
  • Run fluid mechanics analysis

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Altair Inspire™ Structures | Design Tool | TrueInsight

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