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Why Use Altair RapidMiner?

Altair RapidMiner is a set of data analytics and machine learning tools that help users make more use of their data.  Technology and innovations in product development have grown exponentially over the last ten years.  Along with that growth, has come an explosion of product related data.  Product decisions are made based on having good data, but at times making sense of that data can be very challenging.  

Altair has created a robust solution for this challenge including tools for data preparation, data wrangling, transformation, automation and collaboration.  The goal is to arm innovators with the best data, so they can continue focusing on changing the world.

"Overall, I had a positive experience with RapidMiner. It is a unified platform where I can judge my data overall and we can easily decide where we need improvements and what is working well. Due to its machine learning, I am confident about my decision that keeps my brand standing out in a competitive world. I found features of RapidMiner to be extremely useful from data preparation to data analysis as an experienced user of data mining projects utilizing open programming languages, developing predictive models, and placing them in a visually appealing presentation."

Senior Software Engineer

IT Services

Over 1,000,000 Global Users

Data Preparation

Data Preparation

Connect your data sources together to create a single source of truth depository using Altair Monarch®. Pull data from typically unstructured formats like PDFs and text files and organize it into rows and columns.

Automate time-intensive tasks like data extraction and organization with preset times and formats.

Knowledge Studio

Machine Learning and AI

Using Altair Knowledge Studio® users can quickly understand product data and translate it to gain actionable insights without needing coding experience. 

Users can also manipulate data to create easy to understand, yet very powerful data visualizations using Altair Panopticon™.    

ERP Systems Integration

Maximize your ERP System

The Altair RapidMiner tools integrate with common ERP Systems including Oracle, SAP, Fiserv and more.  This integration provides clean, universal data formats to the ERP Systems, reducing the amount of error-prone manual tasks needed.

Users can also create workspaces for optimial data security, risk management and more.

Additional Altair Data Analytics Resources

Digital Twin

Digital Twin

Get valuable data into the in-service life of your product, when when to perform predictive maintenance and how to increase your products remaining useful life (RUL). Using Machine Learning, Systems Simulation and Data Analytics gives all stakeholders a bigger picture in order to make the best business decisions.


Design Exploration

Use automated processes to combine predictive analytics, mathematical methods and data mining.

Altair HyperStudy™allows users to perform coupled analyses including structural, electromagnetics, CFD and MBD and use the resulting datasets to gain a better understanding of their designs.

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