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The latest blog posts and news about TrueInsight and Altair.

Comparing Altair Inspire, SimLab and SimSolid (2024 Version)
Comparing Altair Inspire, SimLab and SimSolid (2024 Version)
July 09, 2024

A few years ago, we wrote a blog post that talked about the differences between Altair Inspire, Altair SimLab and Altair...

Getting Valuable Insights from Altair Inspire Cast
Getting Valuable Insights from Altair Inspire Cast
October 06, 2023

Gravity casting is a widely used manufacturing process that involves pouring molten metal into a mold to create metal co...

Optimizing Gravity Casting with Altair Inspire Cast: A Guide
Optimizing Gravity Casting with Altair Inspire Cast: A Guide
January 13, 2023

Gravity casting is one of the most popular methods for producing complex shaped metal parts and simulating the process u...

Behind the Scenes: Altair Inspire Cast Meshing with SimLab
Behind the Scenes: Altair Inspire Cast Meshing with SimLab
March 13, 2022

When running a metal casting simulation using Altair Inspire Cast, the model needs to be broken up into simple pieces th...

Altair Inspire Cast Components: Chiller
Altair Inspire Cast Components: Chiller
March 13, 2022

Altair Inspire Cast features many component types that you can include in your casting simulation. One component that ca...

Introduction to Altair Inspire Cast: Setting Up a Simulation
Introduction to Altair Inspire Cast: Setting Up a Simulation
March 09, 2022

Altair Inspire Cast is a fast, easy, accurate, and affordable simulator for early casting feasibility and process develo...