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Altair EDEM (DEM - Discrete Element Method) is a leading Simulation program used to accurately model the bulk behavior of granular materials as well as how material loading will affect heavy equipment. 

Examples of granular materials can be particle-like materials such as coal, ores, soil, rocks, aggregates, pellets, tablets, and powders. For example, think of four dump trucks; one carrying gravel, one carrying clay, one carrying grass, and one carrying tar. The granular material inside of each truck is represented as many custom shapes made up of spheres. Customizable material properties are applied to these particles thus allowing us to represent the bulk behavior of many materials. dumptruck

Motion is an allowable and expected portion of these analyses. Translating conveyor belts, inlets opening and closing, and mixers are all common applications that EDEM can represent.

Another example is a jaw grinder, that pivots about an axis repetitively. Beyond outputting the motion of the material and objects, many useful results are obtained. 

In this case, we view the breakage of the material, flow rates, compressive force on particles, and even predict the wear on equipment. 

Material Tests

So far we've explained what EDEM is capable of out of the box, but its alignment with Altair takes the capabilities even further. Like many of Altair's tools, EDEM integrates with Atair's other high-end offerings. Couple with FEA, CFD, and dynamic motion, among others to accurately simulate and output many types of real-world applications.


Due to these incredible capabilities, it is no wonder that EDEM is such a popular tool for industries like heavy equipment and off road machinery, mining and metals, process manufacturing, and research and academia. 

Have questions? To learn more about Altair simulation products and solutions, please contact us.    

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