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With the newest release of HyperWorks 2022.3 there have been several great enhancements, automatic fasteners, joint load extraction, updated performance, to name just a few. Note for full listing of the what’s new features check out the What’s New 2022.3 Guide. In the most recent release, one of the most exciting enhancements for me is the Multi-Model enhancement.

With the Multi-Model enhancement, it is now possible to have multiple HyperMesh pre-processing windows active within one session of HyperWorks. In prior versions you would need to have multiple copies of HyperWorks open to have multiple HyperMesh models open and thus a higher memory overhead. However, now users can utilize HyperWorks integrated page management system to have different HyperMesh models open without needing additional copies of HyperWorks open. In today’s blog I am going to show you how you can utilize this great new feature in HyperWorks 2022.3.


Step 1: Install 2022.3 HyperWorks

The Altair One portal is the location where users can download all Altair Software, manage licenses, find resources on learning and information, and get support for all Altair products. Our first step is to log in to Altair One with our Altair One username and password via the sign in button shown in Figure 1.

1-Jun-07-2023-09-18-28-2901-PMFigure 1: Altair One Portal Login

Once you click on the sign in icon it will prompt you for your username and password, fill out your login information and sign in. As soon as you sign in, download HyperWorks 2022.3. Click on the download icon for HyperWorks 2022.3 and then install the software after download completion. If you have further questions on installing HyperWorks, check out the following video.

Step 2: Open HyperWorks 2022.3 and Create Two HyperMesh Windows

After installing Hyperworks 2022.3, we can open up HyperWorks, and we can go to the top right-hand portion of the screen and select the option for multiple windows (Figure 2). In our case we will select the two-by-two option. Note with this new enhancement we can have up to 16 windows per page.


Figure 2: Multi-Window Selection

Immediately after clicking on the two-by-two option, the HyperWorks main graphical window will be split into two (Figure 3). In previous versions of HyperWorks you could do this same option, but the additional windows could not be another window of HyperMesh (i.e HyperView, HyperGraph, etc.).



Figure 3: Two-by-Two Window HyperWorks 2022.3

With both of these windows open, I can click in either window, and set the window option as HyperMesh. I now can open up the models I wish to preprocess using HyperMesh, in my case I have two unique models. You will know which window is the active window by either going to the session browser and checking which window is active, or you can visualize it in the main graphical window by seeing which window has the cube triad in it. As you can see In Figure 4, the HyperMesh Model on the left has the cube triad showing, so this is the current active window. The GUI functions the same as previous versions with multi-windows, I just need to click in the window on the right to make it the active window.

Figure 4: Multiple HyperMesh Windows in HyperWorks 2022.3

With this new enhancement, HyperMesh windows can also be synchronized as well as copying model information from one window into another window. I hope you can take advantage of this exciting new feature in the latest release of HyperWorks 2022.3. For more information on HyperWorks please reach out to us here at TrueInsight, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have on HyperWorks or any Altair product.

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